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Wednesday 29 February 2012

Music Magazine Double Page Spread Tweaked and Complete

I have now tweaked and completed my double page spread, tweaks include:
  • Changing font
  • Re-positioning of font to look less over flooded with text and therefore make it more appealing to the audience
  • Adding of the word "GENESIS" alongside "EXCLUSIVE"
My completed music magazine double page spread can be seen below (please keep in mind the black-circle backgrounds around the page numbers would not be visible when the magazine would be printed, only part of the black circles, which was the desired effect, also the split in the middle is to compensate for where the two pages would meet, when printed it would come out looking whole):

I can now declare my music magazine double page spread complete! I will be making no further changes to it :) .

Please leave a comment telling me what you think :) .

Till next time :)

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