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Friday 17 February 2012

Making the magazine - Progress 6

I have now made further progress with my double page spread as you can see below:



The changes I have made are as follows:
  • Added text to the left page of the double page spread
  • Added  page numbers on the bottom far corners of each page on the double page spread
  • Added the word "exclusive" to the top right of the right page of the double page spread, surrounded by a black box to make it stand out.
thought the text in this image above shows up as just line, below you can see what actual text has been entered:

That's all for now :)

My next post will be me making progress on my contents page, as I am at home for the half term and do not own Adobe InDesign, I will obviously come back to this though and will put up more progress posts as I am putting th finishing touches on it :)

Till next time :)

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