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Saturday 4 February 2012

Making the Magazine - Progress 4 (Front Page Complete)

I have now finished the front page for my music magazine, you can see how it looked and how it looks now below:

<---Old  Completed--->

As you can see there are a number of changed from how it looked last time, these changes are listed below:
  • Moved the bar code location, as I believed it worked better and looked more professional in it's new placement.
  • Added the cover lines and separators (for the cover lines) to the front cover, also the "FREE POSTER INSIDE!!!" offer was added to the front cover.
and that's everything :)

Please leave comments on what you thing of the front cover of my music magazine, plus any suggestions for improvement or just any possible idea in ways to change it, I will check back regularly and take any ideas I think are good on board and make the changes accordingly, then I will post pictures of the updated front cover :)

From here I plan to start my double page spread before my contents page, as I will be using Adobe InDesign to create it, and the only place I currently have access to that software is at school, so in the week before half term I plan to do as much of the double page spread as possible :)

Anyway that's all for now, please leave comments and cya next time :D

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