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Monday 6 February 2012

Making the Magazine - Progress 5

I have now started construction on my double page spread, as you can see below:

So far I have chosen an A3 landscape layout with 6 columns for reference on position on the double page spread. Taken a picture of my face into photoshop, then using different effects created the image you see in the screenshot image (red and black to keep with the style of the artist within the article) and then split the image in two halves and placed them onto the background for my double page spread, the reason for the space in the middle is to compensate for the part of the image that would have been lost during printing, as this article is spread across two pages. This way the image would come out whole and connecting across the two pages.

Anyway that's all I have done for now :) I was originally going to add more images though at this point I am not sure, also it is worth mentioning that originally the image across both pages wasn't going to span the entire double page spread, but when I placed the two halves of the image it looked much better this way, so I decided to keep it the way it was.

Anyway that's all for now, till next time :D

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