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Wednesday 29 February 2012

Music Magazine Complete!!!

I have now completely finished creating my music magazine and have done the evaluation questions!!! :D

I'd like to state that my evaluation questions were actually completed after my pages were fully complete. The only reason it appears earlier in the posts list then my completed pages is because I made the posts and wrote the questions in preparation for my evaluation :)

I am also proud to say I followed all rules in the creation of my music magazine. No images or text that did not belong to me was used in my music magazine, all the text I wrote myself and all of the photos used were taken by me :)

My music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread can be seen below:

Good luck to everyone I hope all you coursework turns out great! :D, please wish me luck as well, as I worked very hard on this :D

This is James Carolan signing off :)

Music Magazine Double Page Spread Tweaked and Complete

I have now tweaked and completed my double page spread, tweaks include:
  • Changing font
  • Re-positioning of font to look less over flooded with text and therefore make it more appealing to the audience
  • Adding of the word "GENESIS" alongside "EXCLUSIVE"
My completed music magazine double page spread can be seen below (please keep in mind the black-circle backgrounds around the page numbers would not be visible when the magazine would be printed, only part of the black circles, which was the desired effect, also the split in the middle is to compensate for where the two pages would meet, when printed it would come out looking whole):

I can now declare my music magazine double page spread complete! I will be making no further changes to it :) .

Please leave a comment telling me what you think :) .

Till next time :)

Music Magazine Contents Page Tweaked and Complete

I have nw completed my music magazine contents page, tweaks I have made include:
  • Removing the background of the guitar photo using Adobe Photoshop
  • Touching up the photo of the amp using Photoshop
  • Adding a border around the photo of the amp using Microsoft Publisher
  • Changing the border style of the image relating to the main article
  • Changing various text colours
  • Changing various fonts
  • Re-writing the editor's letter
  • Changing the image of the editor
  • Re-naming the editor
  • Adding backgrounds around the names of sections
  • Re-positioning of images
  • Spelling correction
  • Adding the Genesis logo above the word "Contents"
  • Removal of certain pieces of text
  • Adding a signature for the editor
and that about covers it. All of these changes were purely made as a result of user feedback and to make my music magazine contents page look more professional.

You can see my completed music magazine contents page below:

I can now declare my music magazine contents page complete! I will be making no further changes to it :) .

Please feel free to leave a comment telling me what you think of it :) .

Till next time :)

Monday 27 February 2012

Music Magazine Front Cover Tweaked and Complete

I have now completely finished my music magazine front cover as you can see below:

Changes made were things such as spelling correction, placement of the black bars and just generally making sure everything worked where it was once I had made the changes.

I will now be making no futher changes and I can declare my front cover, complete!

Please leave comments giving your honest opinion :)

Till next time :)

Saturday 25 February 2012

Evaluating My Music Magazine

For my evaluation I have chosen to record my answers in the form of audio files, 1 for each question. I have also posted images to accompany the audio, not within the video on Youtube, but on my blog.

(Note that you may need to turn up your volume quite high to hear my voice as there were some technical difficulties during the recording of my answers)

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Something I forgot to mentions was the conventions in terms of the layout of magazines. I generally followed the conventions of music magazine when it came to my front cover, contents page and double page spread. On my front cover I made sure to include things commonly included on other music magazines for example I included a masthead, a headline with a lure, cover lines, the price and issue number of the magazine, offers of freebies and more. My contents page was laid out so that, while looking professionally made it also was well laid out so that readers could find the article they wanted to read about easily, I also made sure to provide images to accompany some of the articles within the magazine, something commonly used by magazines to attract the audience to those articles and thus allow them to get the most out of their magazines and possibly purchase future issues. I also included an editorial as I saw some magazines would regularly do this and I thought it looked quite professional. My double page spread used conventions such as making the text work with the image by placing it around it, which not only look professional but also draws the eye towards the image in a sense, still showing the point of the article. I chose to answer questions in a style that I had seen in other magazines I had researched and I worked the one image used on the double page spread as the background, while still finding room for my text.

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I forgot to mention how even though my magazine is aimed towards both genders, the fact my main article, image on the front cover and image in the contents page are of/on a male, is more stereotypical because although there is a good balance of male and female artists in indie, rock tends to have more male artists, so the use of a male artist in these ways in/on a rock/indie magazine is slightly stereotypical.

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

(Forgot to mention) Also see my treatment sheet.

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

7. Looking back at you preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

This covers all of the evaluation questions :)

I would like to state that images used here that do not belong to me are under no right mine and all respective rights go to the websites in which they were obtained and that I am only using the images to demonstrate a point made during my evaluation, such as the photos of examples of my target audience that I did not take (All rules were followed whilst creating my music magazine, all images used in my magazine were taken by me :) no cheating going on here :D )

Till next time :)