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Wednesday 16 November 2011

Student Magazine Drafts

I have now finished my 2 Drafts of the Front Page and Contents Page for my Student Magazine :D

I hand drew the designs then went over them in black pen to make them stand out when I scanned them in

Below are the designs, please leave a comment saying which Front Page and which Contents Page is your favourite, I may let the choice of others affect my decision or I may just chose which I think looks better, either way I will leave a comment myself saying which is my favourite :)

Below you can see Front Page 1 (on the left) and Front Page 2 (on the right)

Below you can see Contents Page 1 (on the left) and Contents page 2 (on the right)


  1. i think you should have the front cover on the right, and the contents page on the left! :)

  2. i think you should have the front cover on the left, and the contents page on the leftt

  3. I like front page 1 and contents 1

  4. I prefer fonts page 1 design and contents 1 :)
