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Tuesday 8 November 2011

Analysing Student Magazines - Textual Analysis

Magazine: STuDenT iD (Issue 8)
Published by: Ludlow College

The Front Page

From the top we see a very bold masthead - "STuDenT iD", it is coloured red, white and blue and is a combination of serif and sans-serif font, its colours are very bold and strong and are used to attract the audience it is aimed at, which in this case seems to be 17-18 year olds. Underneath is the headline which is "SPOTTED!! BASH PHOTOS", the font used is sans-serif and is written in white as it stands out against the black background, most likely to drag the eye towards the magazine and get people to buy it. the layout of the front page is covered with graphics, images that relate to the headline, this is done most likely to draw the audience (17-18 year olds) in more and make them want to buy the magazine so they can know more about the headline. Down the left side of the page there are also other things listed that are included in the magazine (in addition to the headline), they are written in red and green, which clash but in doing so draw the eye of possible readers to the magazine, and in sans-serif font. At the bottom of the front page there is one more thing in the magazine listed along with some images surrounding it to catch readers attention.

The Contents Page

The layout of the contents page seems laid out simply so readers can easily find what they want to read about, the background colour is white and all the text across the context page is written in sans-serif font and in black, this of course makes it easy to read and easy to find what the reader is looking for. upon the top left of the contents page is an image of the editor for the Easter edition of the magazine, this is probably just there to commend a job well done to the editor for the Easter edition of the magazine but it also gives students a chance to know the face of the person who helped make the magazine they are reading. Further down the left side of the contents page is a letter from the editor of magazine addressing the reader and giving a brief summary of all the things in this edition of the magazine, this just gives the readers a basic knowledge of everything in the magazine. The middle of the contents page is taken up by a bold headline of what is inside the magazine followed by the information of what stories, pictures, trips, etc are included in this edition of the magazine and what page the reader will find them on, this of course just allows the reader to know where to find what they are most interested in reading about. The right side of the contents page contains a small amount of images relating to the things listed down the center of the page, the use of these images could be to draw in the readers to find out more about the things in which the images relate to, and thus help the readers get the most out of the magazine.

This is my Textual Analysis finished :3

so yeah, till next time :3

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