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Tuesday 29 November 2011

My Unused Front Cover Fonts (Textual Analysis)

Hey everyone :)

Below is a picture of the other fonts I put serious consideration into but did not choose for my Front Cover Headline Font

The general theme I was going for were Urban/Dissolved style of Fonts, my chosen Font isn't in here as of course I am just displaying the Fonts I did not use. The reason for my choice of Font for my front cover was not only because it was my favourite but also, when considering which Font to use, I had to think about which Font would I (with the level of knowledge I have of using Photoshop) would be able to edit so that I could make it a different colour (as I went for a Dissolved style with some of the fonts it is evident upon inspection that they are dissolved in some parts which obviously presents a problem for colouring easily).

So taking into account my skills with Photoshop and which Font I liked best I arrived at the font you can see on my Front Cover in my previous post :)

Anyway that's all for now everyone, I shall vesry soon be posting up a picture of my Front Cover as it is finished, along with a full explanation of everything on it and why I chose to present it that way :)

Till next time :)

(Just a note for anyone interested in any of the Fonts shown, the website I used to obtain them is called , they have literally thousands of great Fonts so I'm sure you can find what your looking for there, hope that helps :3 )

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