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Sunday 13 November 2011

From Analysing The Questionnaires

I had 10 responses to my questionnaires when I analysed them, 2 responses on my blog and 8 in person.

These are the things I have decided thanks to those results:

The magazine will:

  • Be a monthly published magazine
  • Be aimed towards an audience between the ages of 16-18
  • Cost anything up to £1
  • Contain GCSE and A-Level Advice, Information on the Latest Films, Information on the Latest Music, In-School Sports Results and Information on Awards Received By Students
  • Also Photographs Of Student "Life", General News e.g. School Events and a Fun Fact Section
  • Be aimed towards both genders
I picked what the magazine will contain by taking a tally of answers where appropriate and picking the 5 most popular, and for the suggestion area, I took the 3 answers that appeared the most, because as it was a suggestion area these were the most popular ideas from multiple people.

Below is an image of the sheet of paper I wrote the results of the Questionnaires on, the red circles meant these were the most popular of the choices/suggestions

As for the name of the magazine I will post a Poll soon containing my favourite suggested names and names suggested that fit everything the magazine contains, also a few of my own names for the magazine.

- 16/11/2011 - The name of the magazine has now been decided :)

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