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Tuesday 8 November 2011

Analysing Student Magazines - Content Analysis

Content Analysis:

1. Magazine : College Life (Autumn 2009)

    Published by: Saint Edmund's College & Saint Hugh's School
  • Information on members of staff (old and new)
  • Information on events to do with the school (also events to do with students)
  • Information on exams (A level and other)
  • Information on school trips
  • Information on school sports
This magazine seemed more aimed towards parents (so around the ages of 30+ perhaps) and people looking to have their children attend either of these schools.

2. Magazine: COMMON sense (15th March 2006)

    Published by: Luton Sixth Form College
  • Information on the team behind the magazine
  • Information on bands
  • Information on relate-able issues of everyday life (relate-able for students)
  • Information on charities
  • Information on celebrities
  • Information on trends
  • Information on health
  • Information on media (film and gaming)
  • Puzzles (sudoku, find the words, etc)
This magazine seemed to be aimed a lot more at students (between the ages of 13-18) as a lot of the information and articles inside were very trendy and contained many popular 13-18 year old topics.

3. Magazine: STuDenT iD (Issue 8)

    Published by: Ludlow College
  • Information on the team behind the magazine
  • Information on events to do with the school (school plays, art exhibitions, etc)
  • Information on what students love and hate
  • Information on school trips
  • Information on staff (old and new)
  • Information on music
  • Information on sport
  • Information on the environment
  • Information on fashion
  • Information on world events
  • Information on technology (and business surrounding it)
  • Information on parties (student parties)
  • Information on media (television and film)
  • Information on what to expect in the next issue
This magazine contained some elements that adults may find interesting but was mainly aimed towards students (around the age of 17-18) as most of the articles were trendy but at the same time mature enough for slightly older audiences (hence why I have said it is aimed towards students aged 17-18)

So from my Content Analysis I have seen 3 magazines, all of them quite different as they are all aimed at slightly different audiences (even  though the third magazine does include some aspects that adults may enjoy).

Anyway that's all from me for now, cya next time :3

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