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Wednesday 23 November 2011

Front Cover So Far

Below is a picture of my Front Cover so far

So far I am happy with it :)

I chose this Font for two main reasons, mainly I like the look of it but also because it was a more solid font that some of the others I looked at therefore it was much easier to re-colour from black to the range of colours I used, I will post up another post later on showing the other Fonts I considered for use on my front page, all the fonts I used were from the Font website .

I believe the black Gradient behind the Masthead helps it stand out more, I tried solid backgrounds out but they just did not seem to work as well as this, also the colour black worked because the Masthead is already a strong variety of colours, so I needed something different to their vibrant, loud colours and black seems to work in making them stand out more. The strong clashing colours of my Masthead helps catch the eye I believe :)

For the exclamation mark I used an Army star from, then cropped out some parts of it I did not want, then combined my edited star with a lower case "L" from a font from from the Cartoon section, I flipped the lower case "L" upside down and put it above the star to look like a stylized exclamation mark :)

Also for the Masthead I used the Photoshop tools "Smudge" and "Blur" to make it more irrational and noticable to audiences, I believe the effect came out quite nice :)

Anyway that's it for now, as I said I will post about the other Fonts I considered for the Masthead and why I didn't choose them later, till next time :)

(The post regarding the other Fonts I considered is now up)

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