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Wednesday 30 November 2011

Contents Page Complete!

I'm proud to say I have now completed my Contents Page which is displayed below for everyone to see :)

And here is my full analysis :)

For my Contents Page I used Microsoft Publisher mostly, except for some Image manipulation, in which case I used Adobe Photoshop, but when I was putting it all together, it was on Microsoft Publisher. Though we originally were going to use Adobe InDesign, thanks to time restrictions we did not receive lessons on how to use it, so we had to use Microsoft Publisher, I still believe it turned out very well though :)

I decided to keep the black Gradient style to the background that I used on the Front Cover as I believed it worked very well, especially with the use of red coloured Font on this page. I chose the red colour on the Font because I wanted something different to the pink on the Front Cover and as I said, I believe this red works very well with the black Gradient background.

Following my Contents Page Draft, I displayed the word "CONTENTS" down the left side of the page because I like the way it appeared, thanks to its size it clearly indicates to the reader that this is the Contents Page of the magazine and thanks to the style it is presented (vertically down the page) it looks good too I believe.

Following my Contents Page Draft, I displayed the Headline at the top in slightly larger size Font, as it is the Main Article and thus deserves significant attention, and displayed the Cover Lines underneath going down page in a slightly smaller Font as they are still important but are not the Main Article so they hold slightly less importance. I displayed this Text down the center of the Page as really it is the main point of the Contents Page, to show what pages the Articles are on so that people can find them, so I figured it best to make them very noticeable and easy to find for the reader by displaying them right in front of them.

Following my Contents Page Draft, I displayed images relating to various articles down the right side of the page along with a picture of the editor of that issue of the Student Magazine, I displayed images relating to various articles to draw readers in and make it look more professional, you may notice I used the same Image that is on the Front Cover down the right side of the page, this is because I figured if I am going to display an image relating to the Headline here it should be the same one that is on the Front Cover, as the consistency would help the magazine look more professional and would make more sense since the image on the Front Cover is related to the Headline. The choice of what Cover Lines to display an Image for was chosen by looking at what Images I had available to me and choosing the ones which would go appropriately. I chose to display an Image of the editor purely for the fact I believed it would make the magazine look that little bit more professional. Also one last note about these images, I did purposely choose to display one of the images I had with one of the Cover Lines, whereas for Cover Lines it was, as I said before, looking at what images I had and which went appropriately, I specifically chose the wreath image to go with the "Upcoming School Events" Cover Line as I believed it would look professional, as on the Front Cover it says this is the November Issue so I wanted something relating to November in this magazine hence why I chose the wreath as November is the month we remember the fallen.

The Images of the stars above and below the text "CONTENTS" were purely to make it look more stylish and thus more professional, to get these stars I simply searched "stars" into Google Images, chose an image of a star, took it into Photoshop, made the white Background Transparent, and then coloured it two tones of red (red because that way it matched the colour of the text on the Contents Page) and then copied and pasted it onto the Contents Page.

My choice of Font was down to me wanting something attractive and professional, I came across a few Fonts that caught my eye but the one you can see above is my favourite, I just liked it's style and how it looked in the colour red, also it's not too "fancy" or too "posh", making sure it wasn't either end of the scale was important since my magazine is aimed at 16-18 year olds, and I believed as far as Fonts can go,, this one seems attractive to that age group (because I liked it and I am included in that age group).

And that about sums it up for my Full Analysis and Explanation :) I hope everything has been explained clearly and I hope my reasoning has also been explained clearly, so that it provides you with a strong idea of how and why I chose to present my Contents Page in this way :) .

Anyway everyone that's everything, till next time :)

Feel free to leave comments about what you think, I'd love to here your opinions :3

1 comment:

  1. A good effort James, you've obviously thought very hard about what to include. The thing to think about for next time is whether the page looks similar to a real magazine page - could you improve the overall look and professional quality?
