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Sunday 15 January 2012

Treatment Sheet

The Magazine: Genesis

Target Readership: Genesis is a music magazine open to all ages and gender though its true target readership is either gender between the ages of 17 and 25. The category of readers mostly fall into D (semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers) and some C2 (skilled manual workers) as around this age 17 and 18 year olds will most likely be working temporary jobs and 19 to 25 year olds will most likey be working jobs while studying at university or they will just be working. The readers of Genesis will be people who will be interested in Rock/Indie music and finding out lots of personal information on Rock/Indie bands as well as a lot of news on music events such as concerts and gigs, also reviews of the latest songs by Rock/Indie bands. Genesis is for those interested in the behind the scenes of Rock/Indie bands and music but is not for people searching for another source of gossip, Genesis address the musicians as normal people and gives readers a look at their life, it is not a star covered excuse to tell the world of peoples latest break ups and public scenes, Genesis is not for the shallow.

Form and Style: Genesis will be an A4 sized music magazine on Rock/Indie bands and music. The covers will contain images relevant to the main article for each issue, for example, if the main article of one issue is on a very popular rising band, the front cover would contain one or multiple images of the band members or something relevant e.g. their album covers or instruments (or something else distinct that is key to them). The cover lines will always highlight the articles that are going to be seen to be the most interesting to the readers in order to draw them in to reading the magazine. Colours throught the magazine will be based around the subject on each page, for example, on a double spread of a well known band, colours would match the theme of the band or the article, the same goes for text throughout the magazine. The magazines price (£3.00) will be prominent on the front cover as, because this magazine is monthly the readers are getting a very good price, so first time readers will see this price and hopefully try the magazine maorly thanks to the price (and hopefully because of the articles inside because it means it could lead to another regular reader).

Themes and Typical Features: Genesis will have many regular features. Regular features in Genesis will include the latest music releases, exclusive interviews with musicians/bands, the charts for Rock/Indie songs, upcoming music events and more. The theme of the magazine will always stay on the true side of music and those who write Rock/Indie music, the magazine will never be focused on the shallow side of people, Genesis will always look at the musicians as real people and interviews will be about getting to know them as a person to give fans a better look at their life, aspects regarding music will always be about enjoying and appreciating Rock/Indie music for what it is. There will be features in Genesis that will be regular but slightly different every month, for example there is a feature which shows fan photographs but every month is a different theme, this way it uses a regular feature but with new content every month and keeps things fresh for the readers. The language used in Genesis will be down to earth language, e.g. not loud and stereotypical of what people think a Rock/Indie magazine would be like, as I have stated this magazine is really about appreciating the music and the artists behind the music. The language will also never be vulgar, this way anyone who admires Rock/Indie music can read Genesis although some language used may be harder for younger readers to understand so while this magazine is still intended for anyone to be able to read, people may have to be at a certain age, say 17 and above, to fully comprehend the magazine.

Potential Advertisers: As far as potential advertisers go there are many companies in mind, mainly companies that have anything to do with Rock/Indie music so that could mean guitar companies, amplifier companies, drum companies and anything else in the region of music. A few examples are Yamaha, Fender, Ampeg,  Pearl Drums and more.

Editorial Team: The editorial team for Genesis will be comprised of talented writers who have experience in the world of writing and musicians who have experience in the world of music, but most importantly the whole editorial team will share a genuine love and passion for Rock/Indie music, because what's the point in having people edit a Rock/Indie magazine who don't find every issue they produce, thrilling and interesting, the magazine in my opinion without that genuine love and passion would be fake and would mean nothing. As far as genders for the team goes it would be open to either gender, as long as they have experience in writing or music and are passionate about the Rock/Indie genre then they are very welcome aboard the editorial team.

This sums up my Treatment Sheet, till next time :)

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