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Wednesday 11 January 2012

Music Magazine Questionnaire Results

After analysing the results of my questionnaires (and poll) I have been able to make crucial decisions about my music magazine.

Below is a sheet I used to analyse the results of my questionnaires.

From the results of this questionnnaire I have been able to make some key decisions regarding my music magazine. Ideas that I had decided before the questionnaire were as follows:
  • The music magazine will be a Rock/Indie genre music magazine
  • The music magazine will be available to audiences of all ages (although the main target market will be around the ages of 17-25)
The decisions I have now made thanks to the results of the questionaire are as follows:

  • The music magazine will be called Genesis
  • The music magazine will be published monthly
  • The music magazine will cost between £2.01-£3.00 (I am aware this is not the most popular, and on the results the circled price range does indicate the chosen price range, which £2.01-£3.00 is not but after looking over it I figured since this magazine will only be published monthly it needs to b at least pulling in some decent revenue in order to stay in the market, also I figured choosing this would not be too bad as £2.01-£3.00 was the second most popular price range (by two votes)).
  • The music magazine will contain sections on, "Rising Bands/Musicians", "Latest Music Releases", "Exclusive Interviews", "Music Reviews", "Rock/Indie Song Charts", "Upcoming Music Events" and "Fan Photographs (Themed)"
  • The music magazine will also contain "Photos of Bands" (which I was planning to provide anyway but at least this show it is something people do want to see in the magazine), "Freebies", "Guitar Chords for Begginners" and "Top Rock/Indie Song of the Month + Lyrics and Notes" (this could only be included if the music magazine is published monthly, as the suggestion was "of the Month", but luckily as the music magazine will be monthly I can provide this in the magazine).
Anyway that's all for now, I'm glad to have done this analysis as I now know what people would like to see in a Rock/Indie music magazine and can produce it.

Till next time :)

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