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Tuesday 17 January 2012

"Genesis" - Vital Information

There are two pieces of vital information about the name of my magazine: "Genesis"

Firstly, the magazine is a music magazine that goes under the genre of Rock/Indie, and is NOT! a magazine devoted entirely to the band Genesis. There was some confusion about the name of my music magazine so I decided to clear up any confusion through this post.

Secondly, the name "Genesis" means "The coming into being of something; the origin", so in calling a magazine "Genesis" it is like the start of something new, that new thing of course being a new Rock/Indie magazine that focuses on the real music and the real people behind the music, as opposed to shallow issues such as relationship problems within certain bands and trashy gossip like that.

I just wanted to explain these two things about the name of my magazine: "Genesis". I hope anyone reading this found this interesting and I hope it gave them a better insight into my music magazine, anyway thanks for reading.

Till next time! :D

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