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Wednesday 11 January 2012

Photos - Interests and Ideas

For my photos I may take a number of photographs in particular ways:

  • I may take a number of photos that I can later edit to be black and white with the exception of one or two strong colours, because I believe the effect creates very powerful (and mysterious) images.
  • I may take a number of photographs containing designs drawn up by a makeup artist (for this I will ask a friend of mine that attends a college and is studying a course in makeup and design).
  • I may use a consistent theme for certain sets of photographs, for example if an article was on a band who played quite dark, bleak music I may keep a strict black, white and grey theme.

I have many more ideas though these are just a sample of the things I may do when taking my photographs.

If I were asked what I believe makes a good photograph I would have to say it depends, so to answer this question I will say what I think makes the photographs below, good photgraphs.

In this photgraph the use of the blurred background really brings out the girl as the main feature and captures innocence as the theme. The angle of the shot gives a wide open space on the left and shows the girl blowing a dandelion with the buds flying across the photo, this brings life to the picture through capturing movement and compliments her innocent nature through the use of a childish past-time. The use of bright colour brings a warm and feel-good essence to the picture and also makes it seem full of life.

In this photo the use of camera angle is key, as it creates the illusion of an aerosol can spraying out clouds. The theme of this photo is what truly makes it magnificent as through the use of angle and simple black and white colour it creates a very different but very clever photo and utilises perspective in a whole new way (a whole new way, as usually photos that use perspective to their advantage are the classic photo of people pretending to lean against the Leaning Tower of Pizza).

For this photo of some woods the key aspect is the use of the natural lighting. The natural lighting gives off a fantastic shadow effect using the trees, also a good reason why this picture is so amazing is the placement of the sun, as the light beams shine brightly through the top of the woods which gives a marvellous natural feel to the photo and enhances the beauty of everything the light touches, which in this case is everything in the photo. One last thing to mention is the contrast of the bright light and the shadow of the trees, made by the sun, as the contrast is another factor that just makes this photo look great.

These are just a few examples of great photos with a short summary on some of the aspects that make these photos great. I will be thinking about aspects like the ones I have mentioned while taking my photos for my magazine, as I want to get the most out of my photgraphs.

Anyway that's all for now everyone, till next time :)

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