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Tuesday 17 January 2012

Masthead Design - Font Decided and Finished

I have now decided on which font I will use for my masthead, I will be using VKB KonQa (from , see below)

I decided to use this font for the masthead for a number of reasons. Firstly I simply liked this design, I believe this font made the word Genesis stand out well. Secondly I believe it works well for a Rock/Indie genre of magazine because not only does it contain some dissolved parts, which make it look like it's loud, but it also has a certain unique quality, mostly thanks to the stars on the "E's" and edge of the dot on the "I" and indie music is all about having certain unique qualities that are its own, hence the name indie, meaning individual. Lastly I chose this font because from looking at other Rock/Indie magazines' mastheads, their fonts were similar to this style, take for example Kerrang (a well known, well established Rock magazine), but as I said, this font also has its own unique qualities, making it stand out amongst other Rock/Indie magazines.

When applying this to the front cover of my magazine I will of course play around with it a lot, I may do things like, change the colour and size, distort the font more, add cracking effects to the lettering, and more, these of course are just examples of the things I may do to it (it really depends on the content on the front page, then I will play around with the masthead and find what works well) but at the moment I can say that this finishes my masthead design.

Anyway that's all for now, till next time :D

(Also, though I had votes from other bloggers on a different font, I chose this due to the reasons above, but also one other reason. When looking back at the fonts I had displayed in my previous post, I realised many of those fonts actually did not suit the Rock/Indie genre in my opinion, thus I chose out of the fonts I had displayed that did suit the Rock/Indie genre, and VKB KonQa had the most reasons why I should choose it, so I did :) )

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