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Monday 19 December 2011

Music Magazine Textual Analysis - Contents Pages

Magazine - "UNCUT"
Publisher - "IPC Media"
Published Since - May 1997

Straight away this contents page make it evident that it is in fact the contents page (as we can obviously tell by the huge text "CONTENTS" in Serif style font at the top of the page, standing out against the white background thanks to the use of red), this is helpful to readers as it clarifies this is the page where they can find which articles are on what pages.

Across the contents page we can see that most of the text is written in Serif style font, the only text that is in Sans-serif style font is the "TAKE 176" and "JANUARY 2012", also, the brief description of the articles down the column on the left side of the page, the text "COVER STORY" next to the article "PJ HARVEY", all the text in the section labeled "REGULARS" including the section name itself and finally the brief descriptions underneath the titles of the articles in the section labeled "REVIEWS", the section name itself and the text next to the large white plus symbol.

at the top of the left column is the issue number - "TAKE 176" (number 176) and also the month in which this issue is meant for - "JANUARY 2012" , all this does is give the reader a better idea of the issue number and month for which it was published.

the layout is such that most of the contents page is taken up by the large image of Dave Davies on the right side of the contents page along with a column down the left and an organised list of articles, some of which are under 2 sections - "REGULARS" and "REVIEWS", obviously because these articles are articles that are done every issue and articles that are reviews for certain things such as film and albums (as it shows on the contents page), articles not under these 2 sections are obviously articles that are in this issue specifically and are not regular pieces or types of articles that are in each issue. The organised layout of the articles in the column (also the colours, as red and black stand out very well against white) help readers to very easily find what article they want to read about, making this very reader friendly. 

In the upper left hand corner of the image of Dave Davies is large Serif style font text, the largest of all the articles, showing that it is an important article in this issue of the magazine (not only through the larger text but also the use of an image, as no other articles on this contents page have images to accompany them). Even though the article has larger text and an image though, next to the article "PJ HARVEY" there is text highlighted in yellow saying "COVER STORY", meaning the story that would have been on the front cover of the magazine, showing perhaps that while the article on Dave Davies is important, this article is the real main article for this issue of the magazine and the Dave Davies article is just something else that is important and should be looked at by readers.

The use of sections shows that these are obviously things that are done in every issue, meaning in every issue they have an article called "Uncut Meets" (obviously the person/group would change) and a page with a "Crossword" and also that UNCUT magazine always reviews certain things such as "ALBUMS" and "FILM".

As far as use of colour goes on the contents page, the red and black stand out very well against the white background and just make the text easily readable for the viewer, the same goes for the white text against the image of Dave Davies, this is really the only effect it has.

Magazine - "mixmag"
Publisher - "Development Hell Ltd"
Published Since - 1st February 1983

Starting from the top of this contents page we see the name of the magazine written in a stylised Sans-serif font (which just help to identify the magazine), the edition of the magazine - "DECEMBER 2011", and finally, text stating to the viewers that this is the contents page (which just helps readers to establish where they are in the magazine and know that this is the page where they can find the page number for the articles they wish to read about.

Straight away we can see the dominant colour on this page is black, and the use of white and (some) yellow text just makes it easy for the viewers to read the text. We can see the majority of the text on the contents page is in Sans-serif style font with the exception of "DECEMBER 2011" (up the top of the page, not the text at the bottom right of the page), "VIP", "YOUR FREE CD" and "SASHA".

We see that a strong majority of the page is taken up by an image of a male and two females with a page number and the name of the article related to the image, this shows that this is most likely the main article of this issue of the magazine as it seems to have the most importance on the contents page (as it is most noticeable through it's use of imagery and increased font size on the page number for the article. The use of the wild image draws viewers eyes and may make them want to read the article to find out more about the subject of the article, in this case - "Don't Stay In: you club guide"). The other articles are printed in page order down a column on the right side of the contents page under a section labeled "VIP", the neat structure of the articles makes it easy for viewers to find what they are looking for as all they need to do is read downwards until the find the article which they wish to read about. all of the articles in the column contain a small amount of information underneath about the article, giving viewers a better understanding of what the article contains and also perhaps drawing them in to read into articles they weren't initially going to read and allowing readers to get the most out of the magazine, which of course in turn may make them purchase future issues if they already don't plan to (e.g. someone new to the magazine).

At the bottom of the contents page is a section in the form of a row (e.g. rows and columns), dedicated to something specifically in this issue of a magazine, a free CD mix called "Sasha". The section contains information on the DJ/Producer of the CD mix (Sasha) which may make people want to listen to the CD as they may become interested by the artist's background and personal information. Next to this information is a small image of the CD along with a list of the songs on the CD and the artist of those songs. This free CD mix offers publicity for the DJ/Producer of the CD (Sasha) and those artist whose songs are on the CD, this may be advertisement as people who bought the magazine and listened to the CD may find they like some of the artists and then go on to buy more of their music.

Finally underneath this section is the web address for the magazine - "WWW.MIXMAG.NET", the month in which the issue was published for - "DECEMBER 2011", and the page number - "3". The use of putting the magazine's web address at the bottom of the page means that readers who find this magazine enjoyable will be able to go to the magazine's website and read more into the magazine and  find more interesting information about articles and other various things, thus making them more interested in the magazine and perhaps making the want to buy the next issue, thus generating more profit for Development Hell Ltd.

This sums up my contents page textual analysis, till next time everyone :D

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