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Monday 5 December 2011


  • Write Action Plan - DONE!
  • Compare Magazines - DONE!
  • Textual Analysis (3 Front Covers, 2 Contents Pages, 2 Double Spreads) - DONE!
  • Audience Research (Poll, Questionnaire, Theory) - DONE! (except for theory which we are doing on a later date)
  • Internet Research (Institutions (companies that publish the magazines), Readership Figures (sales figures ) ) - DONE!
  • Plan Photo-shoot - DONE!
  • Take Photos - DONE!
  • Layout Designs - DONE!
  • Masthead Design - DONE!
  • Make Pages - COMPLETE BY 19/02/2012
  • Drafting (showing the process of making it) - COMPLETE BY 19/02/2012
  • Audience Feedback (Drafting may take place after as well ("tweaking") ) - COMPLETE BY 19/02/2012
  • Evaluation - COMPLETE BY 26/02/2012


(Week Beginnings (dd/mm/yyyy) ) 

  • 05/12/2011
  • 12/12/2011
- 14/12/2011  CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY START (last day of school, end at 14:30)
  • 19/12/2011
  • 26/12/2011
  • 02/01/2012
- 05/01/2012 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY END (first day back at school, start at 09:00)
  • 09/01/2012
  • 16/01/2012
  • 23/01/2012
  • 30/01/2012
  • 06/02/2012
- 10/02/2012 HALF TERM START (last day of school, end at 16:30)
  • 13/02/2012
  • 20/02/2012 HALF TERM END (first day back at school, start at 09:00)
  • 27/02/2012
- 02/03/2012 DEADLINE FOR MUSIC MAGAZINE (to be completed by 16:30)

THE DEADLINE IS 2nd of March 2012

  • All photographs in my music magazine must be my own

Below you can see an Action Plan I drew up on paper to help me keep track. It also shows a rough idea in which weeks what tasks will be completed, a more precise idea of the times can be seen above, next to each task (the times given are based on speculation of events occurring around the dates and estimated amount of time for each task).

Anyway guys that's all for now, till next time :)

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